What is it?
- Establish a minimum market capitalization (greater than $50 million is recommended).
- Exclude utility and financial stocks and any foreign companies (Non US).
What does it tell us?
Market capitalization = Number of outstanding stock * Current Price of stock
Greenblatt wants this for the same reason that Graham wanted a company with Revenue over $100M- Big companies fail less frequently than smaller ones. Greenblatt also has a few other points to make in this respect:
Greenblatt excluded Non US companies. The conclusion is based around the fact that some countries have loose regulations around investing. Greenblatt also seems to argue that there is no need to take on the additional risk if there are a sufficient number of American companies to invest in.
The final rule of excluding financial and utility companies is a bit confusing and is only addressed in a footnote:
Greenblatt wants this for the same reason that Graham wanted a company with Revenue over $100M- Big companies fail less frequently than smaller ones. Greenblatt also has a few other points to make in this respect:
“small capitalization stocks did not appreciably outperform large caps”
P.149 The Little Book that Beats the Market
“for larger stocks (market caps over $1 billion) the results for the magic formula remain incredibly robust”
P.150 The Little Book that Beats the Market
So basically go big because it works.Greenblatt excluded Non US companies. The conclusion is based around the fact that some countries have loose regulations around investing. Greenblatt also seems to argue that there is no need to take on the additional risk if there are a sufficient number of American companies to invest in.
The final rule of excluding financial and utility companies is a bit confusing and is only addressed in a footnote:
“Utilities, financial stocks and companies where we could not be certain that the information in the database was timely or complete were eliminated.”
P.138 The Little Book that Beats the Market
So What Would Graham Think about these Rules?
- Graham would have scratched his head a bit about the market capitalization. Market Capitalization is large as a result of investor consensus and is not tied to any true financial element of the company. Terrible companies can have a huge market capitalization, just look at the dot com bubble companies if you need examples. The way Greenblatt seems to say he used it because it works for his system would probably also cause some concern to Graham. If a consistent element for success was that the company had a 'G' in its name would Greenblatt have used this? I think we can temper this point though due to the manner that the book is presented- it is not intended to be a financial study it is intended for the junior investor.
- Excluding foreign companies would not have been a point too difficult for Graham to understand. He recommends against some foreign endeavors:
“But we do know that, if and when trouble should come, the owner of foreign obligations has no legal or other means of enforcing his claim.”
P. 138 The Intelligent Investor.The avoidance of utility and financial companies based on the reasoning presented would be a bit surprising for Graham though as he often recommended such endeavors.
Be sure to check the previous parts in this series:
Part 1 Graham vs. Greenblatt (Session 1)
The preference for investing in US based company leaves me with a big concern, which I hope someone can think it over here with me. What if US raises corporate tax rate? That will reduce what's left for the shareholders for all US companies affected. Foreign regions, especially in developing Asia, seem to me to have a bias for lower and lower tax rate, with Singapore and Hong Kong dropping corporate tax rate just last year, and the governments in that region also are in strong fiscal position, and can increase fiscal spending without resorting to more taxing or borrowing. I fear US is heading to higher taxes, and given the incoming party, I feel that capital will be taxed more than labor. What do you think about this implication for an investment portfolio of US only companies?
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